




 3.1 タイプ1(両論を併記)
 3.2 タイプ2(ポジションを決めて論ずる)
 3.3 タイプ3(質問が2つ存在するタイプ)

・英語のリスニング -モゴモゴバスター-
・英語の発音 -前編(ドクター・D・イングリッシュとは)
・英語の発音 -後編(ドクター・D・イングリッシュを受講してみて)


stand at, record, mark

increase, climb, rise, grow, go up
show a upward trend / shift or a rising trend

decrease, decline, drop, fall, go down
show a downward trend / shift or a falling trend

同様に similarly, likewise
その一方で meanwhile, on the other hand
~の割合 the percentage for~ / the rate for~
~の数字 the figure for~ / the number for~
凡そ approximately, roughly, around, about, nearly, almost

期間を表す from A to B, between A and B
~に関しては As for ~
次に~があった This was followed by ~, S+V, followed by ~
数値は~の間で変動した The figure fluctuated between A and B
数値は最高点の~に達した The figure reached a peak of ~
数値は最低点の~に達した The figure reached a bottom of ~
Although ~, ~ / Despite ~. ~
e.g. Despite a sudden drop to 20%, the number rose again to 60%.
~のX倍 ~fold
e.g. The figure increased threefold to 180.
~, compared with ~, ~ whereas ~
e.g. The US had 200 millions, whereas the UK marked 100 million.

The number for Italy reached a low of 10% in 2008, finishing at 15% in 2010.

The figure is predicted to increase to a high of 10% by 2030, exceeding the rates for the other two countries.  

China was the only country whose rate was stood at less than 10 during a decade.

The percentages for the remaining groups were relative low low, ranging from 5% to 10%.


advantages, benefits, positive aspects, good points
disadvantages, drawbacks, negative aspects, downsides

in addition,  additionally, moreover, furthermore

The reason why~ The (major/main) reason why タスク is that メインアイデア

increase/decrease The number of people who ~ is increasing.
※a number of = many なので注意!

require 物/~すること requires 物
物/~すること requires 人 to 動詞
人 is required to 動詞

spend 時間・金 on/for 物
spend 時間・金 (on/for) ~ing

allocate 資金・場所 to 人
allot 時間・金・仕事 to 人

invest 金・時間・努力 in 物/~ing
invest in 物

It is ~ for ~ to ~
①It is ~ の後ろは基本的には形容詞

provide 人に物を提供する
provide 人 with 物
provide 物 for/to 人
provide 物

enable 物 / enable 人 to 動詞
(人 is enabled to 動詞)

encourage/discourage encourage 人 to 動詞
discourage 人 from ~ing

prevent 人 from ~ing

deprive 人 of 名詞/~ing
e.g.They deprived me of permission to enter the house.

There is/are 不特定のもの

lead to 名詞
e.g.Improved communication has led to an increase in globalization.
①lead to の後ろは動名詞よりも名詞形の派生語をなるべく使用
③lead 人 to 動詞は「~する気にさせる」という意

contribute to 名詞
※contribute A to Bは「AをBに捧げる、投稿する」

communicate with 人(連絡をとる)
communicate A to B(伝える)≒convey

intervene in 問題事
intervene 介在する
interfare 邪魔をする
interrupt 中断させる
intercept 横取りする、傍受する

access A
have (easy) access to A
e.g.The book is readily accessible to all students.

due to A
due (副詞) to A
because of 理由・原因を表す最も一般的な言い方
due to (やや堅い)全体頻度の半分近くがbe動詞の後
thanks to のお陰で
owning to (主に書)be動詞の直後ではまれ
on account of (堅く)特に問題・困難などについていうときに好まれる

instead of A
instead of ~ing
without (本来するべきこと)をせずに
instead of ~する代わりに(対比)
regardless of ~にも関わらず、~に関係なく
other than ~以外、~を除いて

where 完全文(SVO)
where = in which 場所の概念は殆ど無くなっている

challenge 人 on A

appeal to 人
e.g.They appealed to the nation to solve the race problem.

A positively/negatively affect B
A has a positive/negative effect on B

on one’s own
独力で(by themselves)

a (large) number of 可算名詞 = many
a large amount of 不可算名詞 = much
a number of = many, the number of = ~の数
a large amount of = much, the amount of = ~の量

have (a) positive/negative influence on A
positively/negatively influence (x on) A
affect/effect, influence, impactをセットで覚える。

such as の先行詞は後ろで挙げる具体例の総称
e.g. vegetables such as tomatos and/or

however 品詞=副詞(節と節を繋ぐことはできない)

tackle 他動詞
tackle the problem/issue

effect, influence, impact

unlike 一文で二つのものを比較する場合に便利な表現
Unlike the Internet, which ~, newspapers~.
(As) compared to/with~
As opposed to~

become become+補語(名詞、形容詞、過去分詞)
~するようになる≠become to 動詞 は存在しない
~するようになる≠come/learn to 動詞 でもない

decline 「~が減る」(自動詞)という用法はあるが、「~を減らす」(他動詞)という用法は無い
A declined B AがBを断ったという意味になる

for ~ing/to不定詞 for 動名詞→一般論(generalな目的)
to 不定詞→特定の目的(particularな目的)こちらを良く使う

discuss 他動詞としての用法のみ

otherwise 品詞は「副詞」なので、接続詞的に使わない
SVO, otherwise SVO.は文法的には誤りとされる(が使われている)
SVO. Otherwise, SVO.←おすすめ
SVO; otherwise SVO.
The exhibit enabled a lot of people to experience a world that few of them would otherwise(~が無かったら~しなかったであろう~) have seen.

render make O Cと基本的には同じ用法だが、C(補語)はネガティブな内容
make me happy
render the car useless

take place:予定された行事

Development, trend, movement
tend to(negative)→be likely to(neutral)



タイプ3:質問が2つ存在するタイプ(e.g. Cause & Solution)


3.1 タイプ1(両論を併記)-12文

Some think that computer games are dangerous for children in every way, while others think that computer games help children’s development. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some may argue that computer games are harmful for children in every way. Firstly, games prevent them from studying. Nowadays, youngsters spend much time playing computer games whereas they cannot allocate sufficient amount of time to their study. As a result, they cannot gain academic skills and knowledge, and an increasing number of children fail to pass exams. Secondly, children who are absorbed in these games cannot spend enough time playing outside. Playing outside enables children to improve their physical abilities such as running but computer games deprive them of such opportunities, which leads to a decrease in their body functions.

However, I believe that some computer games can help children’s growth because they include educational contents. It is difficult for most children to keep their concentration for study only with textbooks and one-way lectures. Games which have attractive characters and stories becoming difficult gradually enable them to keep studying for a long time. For example, when I was a high school student, I spent much time playing the computer game focusing on Japanese history. Beautiful pictures of historical leaders helped me to have more specific images of them and answering historical questions while playing provided me with more comprehensive understanding of history. In this way, educational computer games are beneficial for children.

Some people think that it’s best to encourage children to leave family home as soon as possible. Others believe that children should stay at their family home for as long as they like. Discuss both views and give your own opinions.

Some may argue that children should live their parents as long as they want because they can start their adult life more easily. Even after they become adults, they occasionally need a guidance from their parents, as there are new challenges that they face for the first time in adulthood. For example, when I started to work after graduating from university, I was worried about the harassment I constantly received from my boss. Having been able to chitchat at home about this matter, I was finally able to find the way to overcome it.

However, I believe that parents should encourage their children to leave their family home at the earliest opportunity in their adulthood because it will help them to become confident for their independent life. With the marriage rate decreasing, an increasing number of young adults cannot find good reasons to leave their home of their own will. Living away from their parents, they can gain more opportunities to learn how to cook by themselves or manage their finances. This can boost their confidence to live on their own, which is a vital factor to start their adult life.

Some parents and teachers believe that children’s behavior should be strictly controlled, while others think that children should be allowed to grow up in their own way. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people state that children should be allowed to grow up freely because it cultivates their independence. Being independence of their parents is one of the critical steps to become an adult, and making a decision by themselves will be a good opportunity to think about consequences (/ results) of their behaviors. From my own experience, I used to have a dog and take care of it from feeding it and cleaning their doghouse. This enabled me to have a responsibility for my own behavior and encouraged me to be more independent.

However, I believe that parents and teachers should control children’s behavior until they can make an appropriate decision because they may hurt others. Children tend to be curious about everything they see and try to do anything without thinking. For example, they sometimes throw wooden blocks to their friends when they are playing, which may lead to serious injuries. It is often too late to teach them the difference between right and wrong once it happens. In this way, children need a discipline to be a member of society in order to prevent such accidents in advance.

Do you think that of success of a team depends on mental attitude of the whole team or on the strongest individuals?

Some people claim that capable individuals can steer an entire organization towards success because of the leadership and vision they provide. Even one particularly willing or capable individual in a team can inspire others to greater performance. (For example, Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, invented Mac and iPhone which became one of the most popular digital devices all over the world. Without his charisma and a sense of art, Apple might not be able to take their current position as the prestigious company in the digital device industry.)

Nevertheless, (/However,) I believe that, more often than not, team success relies on good mental attitude of the entire team because (it can yield the motivation and consistent performance.) (An organization having an open atmosphere encourages individuals to show their own opinion more easily.) (In addition, if an enterprise has the corporate culture of putting the value on an individual responsibility, it creates accountability and lead to the growth of a team.) A good example is Starbucks, where all employees regard each other as partners. Employees are expected to give their opinions and contribute to setting store goals. This means each employee is active in improving the company and must provide the best service they can. (This corporate culture enabled Starbucks to be one of the leading companies in the world.)

Some say that people should continue to work in the same job for a lifetime, while others say they should change the job at least once in their career. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people say that a career change is positive because it allows people to live more fulfilling lives. Nowadays, the labor market is highly specialized and segmented, and jobs often consist of repetitions of simple tasks. In my case, I have been working in a factory for over 10 years. (It is difficult for me to maintain my motivation to work because I have to spend long hours doing repetitive work such as assembly.) A career change would mean putting myself in a completely different world where I can learn and be inspired every day.

However, I believe that people should continue the same job for a lifetime because (their income will be more stable). (Changing a career usually means decreasing a salary regardless of people’s age because of making a fresh start as a new employee or an apprentice.) For instance, if a successful system engineer suddenly decides to be a chef at the age of 40, he will have to restart at the bottom of the ladder at a meagre (/ low) salary. By continuing the same work and gaining specialization, workers can differentiate themselves from those with no special skills. As people get to older and have families, a stable income becomes a necessity. Therefore, I believe that people should continue with the same work for their entire career.

Some people think that certain things taught in school are a waste of time, but others don’t agree with this statement. Discuss both points of view and give your own opinion.

【certain things(e.g.数学や歴史)を学校で学ぶことが無駄だという考え】
Some people argue that learning subjects such as mathematics and history is a waste of time because they will not be immediately useful in their future lives. In this technologically advanced society, people no longer need to do calculations in their head since computers can replace the task with more accuracy. (Theoretical subjects like history, which students are required to memorize facts, also might be regarded as an unnecessary subject in school curricula because these facts can be found on the Internet more easily.)

【certain things(e.g.数学や歴史)を学校で学ぶことが意味があるという考え】
(However, I believe that every subject taught in school is important and meaningful for people.) Mathematics allows them to acquire problem-solving and reasoning skills. For example, a mathematical proof requires them to think by themselves and explain in a logical manner. (These skills are essential for them to work in any working environment in the future.) Learning history at school is also important. (This is because professional teachers teach background knowledge and reasons related to historical events. In this way, students can obtain more accurate knowledge unlike self-learning which might lead to misinterpretation about historical facts.)

Some people think robots can improve humans’ life in the future, while others think robots may affect society in a bad way? Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some may argue that robots may affect society in a bad way because robots may replace people in their workplace. Thanks to technological advancements, robots will deal with many tasks instead of human beings and a variety of jobs will disappear. For example, many parts of the job for an interpreter are gradually replaced by machines interpreting automatically. Furthermore, some people believe that robots are harmful due to the negative images from science-fiction movies and comics. For instance, “Terminator” describes a future world where people will be controlled by robots but this negative image may intimidate people.

However, I believe that robots can improve the quality of life in the future because they can work more precisely than humans. Traffic accidents resulting from senior and immature drivers are one of the serious social problems, but self-driving cars controlled by robots can solve this problem by eliminating human errors completely. Robots can also work under dangerous conditions such as disaster areas where people cannot work. Robots can save people’s lives even in a fire as they can lift heavy debris and their bodies can be made fire-proof. Therefore, robots are useful for human beings in many ways.

Some say that people living in high-rise apartments are lonely and unhappy, while others say that it’s advantageous to stay in high-rise apartments. Discuss advantageous and disadvantageous of living in high-rise apartments.

Some people claim that people feel lonely or unhappy if they live in high-rise apartments because noise from neighbors often annoy them. Apartments usually consist of numerous units, and therefore people living there feel stress by noise such as crying babies and excessive music from neighbors. In my friend’s case, she was really annoyed by her neighbor who had a party every weekend and listened to party music at high volume. She ended up moving to another place due to this problem.

However, I believe that living in high-rise apartments is beneficial for residents because they can utilize a wide variety of facilities. There are useful facilities such as a sport gym and a pool in a complex and some may even have convenience stores on the ground floor these days, so people do not have to go out. Furthermore, high-rise apartments provide a secure environment. There are many security cameras and residents are required to use ID card in order to enter the complex. Thus, living in high-rise apartments has many advantages.

Some people think that the amount of noise people make has to be controlled strictly. Others say that people are free to make as much noise as they wish. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

Some may argue that people do not have to worry about the amount of noise they make because much noise occurs naturally in daily life. All human activities such as watching TV or playing musical instruments generate a certain level of noise. If the amount of noise has to be strictly controlled, people can no longer enjoy their daily life. This is the reason why some people claim that people should be allowed to make as much noise as they wish.

However, I believe that the amount of noise should be controlled strictly because it helps everyone to live comfortably. Nowadays, people live in closer to each other than in the past, because of an increase in population. Noise caused by neighbors is becoming a serious social issue, causing people headaches especially at night. For example, in my apartment, after some complained about the loud music played by their neighbors at midnight, the property manager limited hours when devices making sounds could be used in rooms. After that, a number of complaints decreased and everyone could sleep comfortably at night. In this way, regulating noise can improve people’s quality of lives.

Some people think that it is necessary to travel to other places to learn about other cultures. Others say that books, films and the Internet can be used as a source of information about different cultures. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Thanks to many books and films released annually, it is getting much easier for people to access information about foreign countries than in the past without visiting them directly. Not only can they purchase books to describe the details of foreign cultures and traditions but also they can watch movies that focus on them. For example, the Indian movie called “Gandhi” describes the whole life of the Indian spiritual leader, Mahatma Gandhi, which enables people to learn his peaceful activism. Through this film, they can also figure out the reason why such culture is still deeply rooted in India today.

Some claim that visiting other countries is still important for people to learn different cultures because books and films tend to describe limited aspects of cultures. These information sources are often created based on authors’ own experience, and therefore their descriptions of cultures may include some biases. (/may be biased) From this point, it may be true that visiting other countries is important. However, nowadays the Internet enables people to obtain neutral information even if they stay at home. They can read a number of reviews and blogs which local people wrote. Given today’s Internet society, they can gain correct knowledge about different cultures.

Some people say that cars should be banned from city centers, while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people may claim that car access to city centers should not be banned because many business people in cities heavily rely on cars as their main means of transportation in cities. They are often required to visit their customers in a limited time, and therefore prohibiting cars in metropolitan areas will negatively affect their businesses. In addition, banning cars in city centers may lead to an increase in unemployment of professional drivers. For example, most taxi drivers make their living by working in urban areas because the demand is higher than in the suburbs.

However, I believe that governments should ban the use of cars in metropolitan areas from environmental and safe point of views. Firstly, an increasing number of cars in urban areas is causing air pollution which is becoming an important issue. Vehicles caught in traffic congestions emit exhaust gases which can cause respiratory diseases such as asthma. Secondly, with the number of cars in cities increasing, the safety of pedestrians is in jeopardy. As roads in urban areas are narrower than those in the countryside, people living in cities are more likely to be involved in traffic accidents.

Some people say that wild animals should not be kept in zoos while others believe that zoos are good for them. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people claim that wild animals should not be kept in zoos because it is not ethical. For animals, there is a significant difference between natural habitats and artificial environment in zoos. Their activities are strictly limited in cages, which deprives them of their natural freedom. For example, huge animals in particular, such as elephants and giraffes may be posed much stress from being unable to move around freely. Additionally, zoos exhibit them to make profits, forcing them to be surrounded by many visitors for a long time. There is no right for humans to confine them in such environment.

However, I believe that zoos offer tremendous benefits to wild animals because they contribute significantly to wildlife conservations. They protect wildlife by providing secure living environments and supports of breeding them. Endangered species like tigers are a good example. In order to increase and maintain their population, only natural reproduction is almost impossible due to diseases and predators. By providing them with sufficient nutrition and vaccines, they are more likely to breed successfully. Furthermore, those working in zoos conduct researches about their behavior. Through watching their activities, they can gain knowledge needed for conservation.

3.2 タイプ2(ポジションを決めて論ずる)-18文

Some argue that teaching students of different abilities in one classroom isn’t beneficial. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Firstly, students will stay motivated when they study with their peers of different academic abilities. For low-achievers in particular, they can set a short-term target and work toward their goal by studying with capable students. They can also ask a question to competent students instead of their teachers more easily when they face challenges in their study. In my high school days, we had 55 classmates of academically different levels in the same class, but none of us ever lost our motivation because we competed with each other. (I was in a class of 55 where students of all levels competed with each other and this significantly promoted me to maintain for my studies even when I was likely to be distracted.)

Secondly, students can organize their idea and knowledge through teaching each other. This is especially the case for high-achievers because they can get more opportunity to teach other slow learners. (who are likely to be required to teach academically less capable students.) Teaching others requires more profound knowledge than what they acquired when they studied for (/ by) themselves. They may have to dig into the theme more deeply in order to make their explanation clear. This will make the knowledge more flexible and unforgettable, which will be a significant advantage when they further their study in higher grades.

Studying with students having different abilities may hinder the potential growth of capable students because teachers have to focus on the greatest good for the entire class so the pace of class will fit for slow learners. Furthermore, if a class has students who tend to neglect their study, competent students might be distracted by them.

Furthermore, if subjects are difficult for academically less capable students, they may give up studying. They have to spend more time understanding academic theories, compared with capable students. Therefore, they feel the gap between them, which might discourage them from their study. From my own experience, when I took a mathematic class in the private school for the first time, every student except me was good at it. Therefore, I fell behind in class, and this experience made mathematics as my unfavorite subject.

Many people believe that it’s better to learn something in a group rather than individually. Do you agree or disagree?

Firstly, learning in a group helps the participants to stay motivated. As compared to individual learning where people need to find specific goals in order not to be distracted, group activities allow them to encourage each other even when they face challenges. For example, when I learned English in the United States, I was about to lose interest in improving my language skill. (Under such circumstance,) I met a friend who studied diligently even though he had a poorer command of English. In this way, group learning is beneficial in terms of motivation.

Secondly, people can have better skills and deepen their knowledge through group learning. When learning sports or subjects individually, people often have little chance to share ideas with others or teach their peers. This hinders them from bettering their skills or having a more precise understanding about the topic. The reason why many professional soccer players are produced by specific high schools in Japan is that these schools urge each student to share their skills and knowledge and solve problems by themselves. (In Japan, professional soccer players usually graduate from certain high schools because these schools encourage them to share their skills and experience with other teammates in order to deal with problems.) This is yet another reason why group learning is better in the process of learning.

Secondly, group learning can improve people’s ability more effectively than individual learning. Group learning allows participants to share their knowledge and experience with others, which contribute to the improvement of their abilities. For example, many professional soccer players often graduate from certain high schools because these schools encourage students to share their knowledge and experience with their peers. Sharing knowledge requires more profound understanding than what they understand by themselves in order to explain clearly to others while clear explanation helps others to understand more easily. In this way, group learning can create synergy in a group.

More and more people work at home with the development of computer technology. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

Firstly, a growing number of people working from home will ease traffic congestions, especially in cities. As major companies are located in metropolitan areas, a larger number of vehicles are concentrated in cities, whether it is for distribution of products or visiting their customers. This is causing chronic traffic jams in many areas, as roads are mostly narrower and there are more pedestrians than in rural areas. Allowing more people to work remotely will contribute to fewer vehicles and solving traffic issues in cities.

Secondly, public health will improve with more people working from home. Due to the stagnation of the economy, many people are forced to work longer hours in order to improve their livelihood, sacrificing their free time and sleep at night. This is causing a variety of lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes, as seen in many developed countries. If people can become a telecommuter, they can save a lengthy commute time for relieving stress and maintaining their health. This will be a significant benefit for the society, as public health is a vital factor for the development of the nation.

Some people think that planning for future is a waste of time. They believe it is more important to focus on the present. Do you agree or disagree?

Admittedly, it is important to have financial plans for the future because people can achieve their goals more easily. Having a concrete image of the future will enable them to stay on track to fulfill their dreams. (For example, people need to know how much they should save money annually in order to build a house.) This will encourage them to regularly deposit a fixed amount of money from their salaries, which will make their goals more realistic. Without it, they may waste their money on luxuries (/ extravagances) such as fashion items.

(However, in most cases, planning for future is a waste of time because predicting future events precisely is almost impossible.) When I was a university student, I spent most of my time studying translation in order to become an interpreter, but artificial intelligence developed rapidly and replaced most of the jobs before I actually became professional. Given the swiftness of technological advancements, all the efforts may come to nothing in a few years’ time, and hence people should live in the moment. By doing so, time can be better spent.

Some people say that the government should make public transportation free for all users. To what extent do you agree or disagree with it?

Some may argue that the government should provide free public transportation because there will be fewer private cars on the road. (Vehicles are a useful tool used by many people today.) They do not have to check the timetable or feel unpleasant (/ uncomfortable) in the crowdedness. If there were no charge for all of the public transportation, more people would be expected to prefer it because fuel prices are not cheap these days. (This can reduce traffic congestion as well as air pollution caused by exhaust gases.)

Having said that, I believe that public transportation should not be made free because the positive effects it may bring about are temporary. (Free public transportation will attract a great number of passengers leading to overcrowded buses and trains.) (These people, who changed their means of transportation because of cost benefits, will feel fatigue and stress and begin to use public transportation less and less.) Additionally, making public transportation free for all requires a significant amount of money. Given the limited budget each government can allocate, the money would be better spent on other pressing issues such as poverty.

Newspapers and magazines will not be available in the near future because large amounts of information from the Internet will replace them. Do you agree or disagree?

インターネットが新聞・雑誌に取って代わる理由の一つが、人々がインターネットによって、より快適に大量の情報にアクセスできるからです。人々は新聞や雑誌をコンビニ等のお店まで購入しに行かなければなりません、一方でインターネット経由ならいつでもどこでもニュースを読むことが出来ます。これによって、より多くの読者はオンラインで情報を探すことを選択している。例えば、Wall Street Journalは既にアジア・欧州の紙面版の配信を止めている(オンラインコンテンツの需要増がこの決定の背景にある)。
One reason why I believe that the Internet will replace newspapers and magazines is that the Internet enables people to access a great deal of information more conveniently. People have to go to purchase newspapers or magazines at shops such as convenience stores in order to obtain information, whereas they can read news anytime and anywhere via the Internet without going out. Because of this, more and more readers are choosing to find information online. For example, the Wall Street Journal has already stopped publishing its Asian and European print versions, due to a significant increase of demand for online contents.

Another reason is that contents on the Internet are more up-to-date than printed media. Newspapers or magazines are usually published on a daily or weekly basis, so the information readers can access through these media is often no longer relevant. Given the swiftness of change of the current world, people are required to access the latest information immediately. For instance, in order to become competitive in the business field, the Internet makes it possible to obtain the latest information of the stock market from around the world. In this way, the Internet is superior to traditional information sources such as newspapers and magazines.

Schools should concentrate more on academic subjects which could be more beneficial for the children in the future. They should concentrate less on less important subjects such as sports and music. Do you agree or disagree?

学校がacademic subjectsを優先すべきという主な理由は、これらの科目を学ぶことが子供の将来のキャリアにとってより大きな恩恵があるようになってきたからです。現代社会では、成功したキャリアがより競争力を持ってきています、そしてより幅広い知識を持つ子供は給料の良い仕事に就くより多くのチャンスを得ることが出来ます。各々の科目をより深く学ぶ為に、今日の子供は以前よりもより多くの時間を割くことが求められています、なぜなら日々多くの発見が多様なフィールドでなされているからです。
The main reason why academic subjects should be prioritized in school is that learning these subjects is increasingly becoming beneficial for children’s future careers. In the modern society, having successful career is becoming more competitive, and children who have a wide range of knowledge can have more chances to find better-paid jobs. In order to learn each subject in depth, children these days are also required to spend more time than in the past because many discoveries in various fields are made every year.

更に、音楽や体育などのnon-academic subjectsは学校だけでなく、他の機会で学ぶことが出来ます。学校が以前、子供に芸術の授業を通じて、より独創的になることの重要性を教えることが求められましたが、その様な科目は今日、TVやインターネットを通じて簡単に学ぶことが出来ます。例えば、私の娘は楽譜の読み方をYouTubeの動画で配信されるプロの音楽家による段階的な講義を通じて学びました。子供が学校で持てる限られた時間を考えると、他の科目の学習により多くの時間を費やすべきです。
Furthermore, learning non-academic subjects such as sports and music can be learnt not only in schools but also other opportunities. Although schools in the past were required to teach children the importance of how to become creative through arts lessons, such a kind of subjects can now be easily learnt from TV programs and on the Internet. For example, my daughter learnt how to read music notes through YouTube videos where a professional musician gave step-by-step instructions. Given the limited time children have at school, they should allocate more time to studying other subjects.

Some people think that social networks such as Facebook have a negative impact on individuals and our society. To what extend do you agree or disagree?

【反対の理由① SNSはポジティブな影響を個人に与える】
A positive effect of social networks on individuals is that they are an efficient way of keeping in touch with others. By posting material on these networks, it is possible to share the latest news about oneself to many people at once. Without social media, it would be necessary to speak to or write to each person separately, which is extremely time-consuming. Furthermore, social media can greatly enhance an individual’s social life.

【反対の理由② SNSはポジティブな影響を社会に与える】
Social networks also have a positive impact on society because they can transmit invaluable information in the case of an emergency. When there is a disaster such as an earthquake, a large amount of detailed information on damages and the latest development can be obtained through social media. This is because both individuals and governments can post information on social media quickly. People can use this information to make well-informed decisions, which can limit damages and the number of casualties. For example, the Tohoku Earthquake hit Japan in 2011, information about blocked roads and overcrowded evacuation sites was posted on Twitter, which helped people tremendously to select the best route to safety and find temporary accommodation.

In some countries, fast food restaurants and supermarkets give money to schools if they agreed to promote their products. What are the positive and negative developments for schools and school children?

Schools can obtain financial stability by receiving sponsorship money from fast food and supermarket. As many schools have financial difficulties, stable income from established companies enables them to provide children with better educational facilities such as laboratories or the latest computers. Recently, this type of sponsorship is becoming popular in Japanese public schools, which can contribute to providing a level of education similar to that of private schools.

However, I believe that the promotion of fast food and supermarket products in school has negative effects on children’s health, especially in the case where such companies are selling unhealthy products. Children are easily brainwashed into purchasing these products due to their susceptible character. For example, when I was an elementary school student, my school provided free pencils with a logo of McDonald’s. Although I did not realize that this was a kind of advertising, the logo became familiar to me and I bought a hamburger at a McDonald’s on the way home from school every day. Given that fast food restaurants and supermarkets are selling addictive and unhealthy foods, the harmful effects of advertising these products in schools outweigh the financial benefit schools can receive.

Some people believe that teenagers should be required to do unpaid community work in their free time. This can benefit the teenagers and the community as well. Do you agree or disagree?

The reason why teenagers should do unpaid community work in their free time is that they can gain a wide variety of knowledge and ideas. Youngsters can meet different people such as university students and workers and communicate (/ build good relationships) with them through community works. For example, when I was a high school student, I met a bank manager in the community work I joined, and could deepen my knowledge about banking by talking with him. This experience helped me to obtain a job offer from banks during job hunting. Children cannot obtain such relationships at school.

Communities can also gain benefits from youths doing unpaid community work because they can obtain the workforce for free. Communities have to decide how to allocate effectively their limited budget to their activities. Teenagers’ volunteer work can to help reduce their expenses such as cleaning costs, and therefore communities can allocate more money to more pressing issues. In addition, community work can improve the security in towns. Community work enables people to know each other regardless of the ages, and distinguish between community members and strangers.

Nowadays young people are admiring media and sports stars even though they do not set a good example. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Firstly, young people’s health can be jeopardized when they blindly worship and try to imitate celebrities because many media and sports stars have unhealthy habits, such as smoking and drinking. Young people tend to consider such habits as stylish and follow their lifestyles without thinking about consequences. They can quickly become addicted to these bad habits and eventually have health problems. In addition, there are many fashion models who are extremely skinny and show off their bodies in the media. Many youths, young women in particular, desire to be similar to their idols and go on an excessive diet, causing a lack of nutrition.

Secondly, this trend can cause financial problems in young people. Most celebrities are rich and have luxurious lifestyles which are attractive to many young people who usually cannot afford to copy them. Young people often purchase luxurious products that media and sports stars have, which leads them to be in debt. For example, many young adults in Japan recklessly buy and collect brand goods which usually cost more than $1,000 because they try to follow their admiring star’s fashion styles, but they are now suffering from paying back their loans. In fact, the number of youths who have a debt is increasing, which is becoming a serious concern in Japan.

There are several factors that motivate people to stay in the workforce, and money is the
most important factor. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Admittedly, money is one of the most important factors for people to stay in the workforce because they cannot live without sufficient money. Nowadays, living costs such as accommodation costs are increasing, because of a shortage of lands. Added to this, medical expenses are rising especially in developed nations due to an aging population. These require people to earn more money in order to meet minimum demands of daily life. Therefore, there is no doubt that money is one of the essential factors to keep their motivation to work.

However, I believe that the social importance of a job can make is a greater motivation than money for people to stay in the workforce. Many people have motivation to help others and jobs can provide such an opportunity. For example, my friend started to work for the United Nations in order to solve the poverty issue around the world, declining a job offer from an investment bank which paid a much higher salary. He considered the United Nations as the best working environment for him because he had a strong desire to eliminate the gap between developed and developing countries. In this way, people often choose not to give their first priority to money for their work.

Some museums charge admission fees, while other don’t. Do you think the advantages of such charges will outweigh the disadvantages?

The disadvantage of museums charging admission is that people will be reluctant to visit them. In modern society where people can see artworks for free on the Internet, many young people and those with less income will not pay money to visit museums. If youths do not visit museums, they will gradually lose interest in the arts. / (their interest in art will diminish over time.) Given that museums have a role to widely promote the importance of art and pass it down to the next generation, it is a serious concern for the countries as well.

However, I believe that the advantages of charging admission fees in museums are greater than the disadvantages. Firstly, museums can attract sensible customers and prevent ill-mannered people from visiting them, which can prevent artworks from being damaged. In the United Kingdom, where museums had a policy not to charge admission fees for many years, they have to spend a massive amount of money repairing damages caused by thoughtless people’s behaviors such as touching artworks. Secondly, museums can allocate the income from admission fees to providing quality services. In order to increase the number of people who are interested in art, they can provide multilingual videos to explain exhibitions and headsets for translating audio guides for foreign visitors.

Most advertisements do more than just advertising goods, especially in fashion and beauty, and try to persuade people to follow the latest trends. Do you agree or disagree?

Advertisements persuade people to purchase the latest goods even though they are unnecessary, especially in fashion and beauty. Such industries use famous people in their advertising and widely inform their products in order to make a new trend seasonally. Because of this, consumers who cannot follow new trends will feel inferior. Fashion trends change dramatically every season, which requires consumers to buy new items. As a result, they may spend more money than they can afford, and some may have financial difficulties.

Furthermore, recent advertisements have more effects than their original role to provide information for people because it causes a loss of individuality. Clothes and hair styles reflect one’s personality and identity. If everyone wears similar clothes, social diversity will disappear. For example, in Japan, many women wore a beret and a long skirt last year because of massive advertisements by the fashion industry. In addition, it has become easier for people to have plastic surgery than in the past, but they tend to have a common image of beauty because they are affected by the advertisement. Consequently, those who had plastic surgery resemble each other. In this way, advertisements lead to a loss of uniqueness and individuality.

Some claim that sending criminals to prison is not an effective method of dealing with them, and education and job training should be replaced them. To what extend do you agree or disagree with this opinion.

Firstly, providing opportunities of education is a more effective way than imprisonment because it can cultivate their moral sense. Criminals may not have received sufficient moral education at schools and home before they carry out wrongdoing. Therefore, they cannot distinguish between the right and wrong and tend to commit a crime. Moral education enables them to learn the importance of life and being kind to others. They will be able to make an appropriate decision by themselves through receiving moral education. Thus, it is a better method for rehabilitation of offenders.

Secondly, providing job training is also a better solution than imprisoning offenders because they can gain a wide variety of knowledge and skills. Repeat offenders often tend to commit a crime because they cannot find jobs, and expertise is a vital factor for people to obtain jobs. For example, in Japan, the government started to provide criminals with opportunities to learn business skills such as how to utilize computers. After that, reoffending rates decreased significantly. In this way, job training enables criminals to be a good member of the society again.

Many people claim that massive investment in technology for space exploration is a waste of money. Do you agree or disagree?

Some may argue that large investments in space exploration technologies is meaningful because it can make people’s lives more convenient. Natural resources such as oil and coal are limited on the earth. In order to find new energy sources and ensure the society’s sustainable growth, huge investment in technology for space exploration can have benefits for humans. Additionally, technologies related to this field offer tremendous benefits to society. For instance, materials used to build space shuttles are also utilized for the body of vehicles and aircrafts. These materials are more durable than materials used in the past.

However, I believe that investing a lot of money in the space exploration technologies is wasteful because it is an economically high-risk development. Making tools for space exploration such as space shuttles and satellites requires massive investment, but there is a large chance of failure when launching them off the ground. In such cases, what people spent comes to nothing. Compared to such investment, governments should allocate their budget to medical or educational services from which they can expect immediate returns. In this way, investing in space exploration technologies is not an effective use of money.

Most scientific inventions and discoveries are worthless and only waste of time and money resources. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Many scientific inventions are meaningful because they have improved people’s quality of lives. Nowadays, people are surrounded by a wide variety of technologies and most of the daily tasks cannot be done without them. For example, Thomas Edison invented electricity, which enabled people to work during night. It is also a vital factor for any electrical devices such as computers and mobile phones to work, and the modern society would have been less convenient without his invention. Thus, scientific inventions offer tremendous benefits to people.

Furthermore, scientific discoveries are essential for people because these save their life. Major parts of human history have been battles against diseases, and many people have spent a great number of hours finding solutions to overcome these problems for a long time. Thanks to these efforts and the medical advancements, the average expectancy in the world is increasing compared to the past. For instance, the discovery of anticancer medicines enables people to cure cancer which was regarded as an incurable disease previously. Therefore, there is no doubt that scientific inventions and discoveries are invaluable for people.

Although parents are responsible for raising a child, outside influences play a key role in their development. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

On the one hand, parents have a significant impact on the development of children because children spend more time with their parents than with any other adults. Young children, in particular, rely on parents for basic needs such as food and clothing, and they have to learn basic social rules such as stopping red lights in order to be a member of society. These educational and financial supports from parents will create their personality and make it more mature. Therefore, parents are a vital factor for their development.

However, I believe that outside influences school provides are also important for children’s development. This is because meeting people outside provides them with a very wide variety of knowledge and skills from them. Through attending classes, they can learn not only fundamental skills such as reading and writing but also more advanced ones such as the second language. Additionally, knowing activities of historically famous person or stars affects significantly their development. Watching a sophisticated play of professional soccer player and listening to a speech of a successful entrepreneur often help them to set their future goal. In this way, outside influences are also vital for children’s growth.

3.3 タイプ3(質問が2つ存在する)-11文

【タイプ3】 cause & solution
Giving money to poorer countries does not solve poverty. What do you think is a good way of assisting poor countries in solving poverty, other than financial aids from rich countries?

Financial aids cannot solve poverty because poor countries have an immature political regime. In poorer countries, people who do not have any credentials are more likely to become politicians due to political instability. Therefore, money is allocated to areas other than solving poverty because governments decide how to use the financial aid by themselves. For example, many poor countries allocate their budget to enhancing military functions even when the country is continuously at war. In this way, providing financial aids to poor nations does not work as a direct solution of poverty.

In order to eliminate poverty, there are more effective ways than financial aids. Firstly, rich countries provide education for free to poor nations. Poor countries do not have a sufficient number of schools, and most people in such countries do not have basic skills such as writing and reading. Therefore, they have no choice of employment except for helping their family or working at a low salary. Providing more opportunities to receive fundamental education opens the door to better job opportunities. In addition, providing professional knowledge or technology is essential for citizens of poor countries to become economically independent. For instance, experts from rich countries can give lectures on agricultural technology in poor countries. This enables the locals to grow crops more efficiently, which can break the vicious cycle of poverty.

【タイプ3】agree/disagree & giving idea
Public speaking should be taught at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Do you think it is so important to start that early?

(The reason why public speaking should be taught at school is that children need lectures from experts in order to master this skill.) Firstly, speaking in public necessitates skills to control emotions, and overcoming tension as well as anxiety is a major step that children need to take. (Firstly, giving a speech in front of others requires speakers to control emotions, and overcoming tension and anxiety is the first step.) Learning why and how people become anxious and nervous from a medical point of view will facilitate conquering a psychological barrier. Secondly, school is the best place to practice public speech. Children can establish confidence through giving speech to their familiar friends.

Additionally, children should be given the opportunity to learn public speaking in earlier grades because it would be feared less. (Furthermore, children should study public speech at the earliest opportunity because it is feared less.) For example, children in primary schools in Western nations are required to give a speech in front of their classmates, otherwise known as “show and tell”, about a topic they have chosen by themselves. This is helpful for them to learn how they can improve their speech next time without worrying about failure. (Therefore, people living in Western cultures usually handle public speaking well, compared with Asian counterparts who rarely receive such education.) (In this way, children should practice public speech from an early age.)

【タイプ3】cause & effect
People nowadays sleep less than they used to in the past. What do you think is the reason behind this? What are the effects on individuals and people around them?

A shorter sleep is due mainly to hectic lifestyle which people are forced to lead today. Workers spend approximately a third of the day at their workplace in addition to the commuting time, which is gradually increasing. Many people are compelled to live in the suburbs due to accommodation being expensive in cities. Students are required to spend more time on their studies than in the past in order to become competitive for their future careers. Added to this, many people do not fully recognize the importance of sleep. Seeing short sleepers such as Donald Trump on television, people may be misled into thinking (that/as if) an extra hour of sleep (is/were) a loss in their lives.

Having shorter hours of sleep can cause health problems. All animals including human beings need to recover their physical fatigue and brain activities through sleep. Making light of this process will sacrifice their own health, leading to various diseases such as cardiovascular disorders. The effect of chronic sleep shortage is not limited to the persons themselves. Their irritable attitude may annoy people around them and driving under a lack of sleep will put other driver and pedestrians in significant jeopardy.

【タイプ3】cause & solution
Nowadays the crime rate is increasing especially among teenagers. What are the reasons behind it? How can we reverse this trend? What punishment methods should be used?

A major reason why many teenagers commit crimes is that they did not receive moral education at school. (Schools tend to sacrifice fundamental education such as moral and allocate more time to teaching academic subjects in order to send students to better universities, following the decreasing employment rates for new graduates.) Another reason is that young criminals are not treated in the same way as adults because they have more opportunities to become a good member of the society again than adult criminals. (Knowing that they will get light punishments and will not be imprisoned, they carry out wrongdoing without thinking.)

In order to solve this problem, schools should spare enough time for teaching morals and ethics. They can teach what is right and what is wrong in the classroom. They can also organize group activities such as sport events where students can learn the importance of being kind to others. / (Children will be able to judge between right and wrong through discussions with their peers in the class.) In addition, the government can impose more severe punishments on young criminals and treat them in the same way as adult criminals. / (Additionally, the government can introduce more severe punishments against juvenile crimes in the same way they treat adult offenders.) (If young people know that they will be imprisoned, they will reconsider before committing crimes.)

【タイプ3】cause & solution
The gap between people living in cities and in the countryside is widening. What are the problems caused by the differences between people who live in cities and people who live in the countryside? What are some possible solutions for this?

One problem caused by the urban-rural gap is that people living in rural areas have poorer access to quality healthcare facilities. Rural hospitals struggle to survive, often being forced to close because of the low population density in such areas and high operational costs that stem from their remote location. Another concern is that rural business struggle from having few highly skilled and educated workers. This is because such people usually decide to work in metropolitan areas where there are more job opportunities.

In order to solve these problems, the government can subsidies the building of new healthcare facilities as well as maintaining existing facilities. By doing this, the whole population will receive a similar level of healthcare service. Furthermore, new laws can be introduced which will require workers to spend some time working in rural areas. Employers in the countryside will have less trouble finding workers, leading to their economic prosperity. For example, Australia is planning a mandatory settlement of new migrants in rural areas before being able to move to the large cities. This will also alleviate the problem of migrants overcrowding the cities and not bringing benefits to other areas of the country.

【タイプ3】effect & solution
The birth rate in most developed countries is predicted to fall in the near future. What effects will this prediction have on developed countries? What are the possible solutions for this?

One of the effects caused by the low birth rate is that economic power will decrease due to the lack of working population. The low birth rate will contribute to an aging population, which will decrease the gross domestic product. In addition, the quality of medical care will drop because the government will gain less income tax from the working population. As a result, a significant number of elderly people will not be able to gain enough medical services and cares.

In order to solve these problems, governments should give financially support to the young generation to give birth and raise children more easily. For example, in Northern Europe countries such as Sweden, all citizens can utilize educational and medical institutes for free, and therefore they do not need to worry about money for raising their children. Additionally, arranging the working environment for women after having babies can be an effective way to encourage couples to give birth. For instance, building a sufficient number of childcare institutes such as nursery schools will help young mothers to raise their children while working.

【タイプ3】effect & solution
The birth rate in most developed countries is predicted to fall in the near future. What effects will this prediction have on developed countries? What are the possible solutions for this?


The most significant effect of having fewer young people is that the government may not be able to support elderly people financially. In most developed countries, elderly people are financially supported by pensions which come from taxpayers’ money. When there are fewer young people, the government may not be able to have sufficient tax incomes to fund pensions. For example, in Japan, more than a third of its citizens are now aged 60 or over. Because of this, its welfare systems are collapsing, as the current workforce can no longer support all the retirees.

In order to solve this issue, the government can financially support people with children. In France, for instance, the government reduced taxes for families with children in 2000. As a result, the government succeeded in recovering its birth rate and its population is now well maintained. In addition, the society can accept flexible family styles such as having children without marriage. In this way, couples can have their children in the earlier stages of their life, and this will help to increase the birth rate.

【タイプ3】cause & effect
More and more people these days work harder and longer hours and have no time for family life and friends. What are the causes in your opinions? How is it affecting family life and the society as a whole?

The major reason why people these days work harder and longer hours is that the demands placed upon them by employers is increasing. Due to globalization, competition in business is getting harder and harder compared to the past. Therefore, companies require workers to spend longer hours on their work in order to survive. If employees do not follow these demands, they cannot be promoted in their company. Because of this, people are compelled to sacrifice their free time with their family or friends now.

The trend of those working harder and longer has harmful effects on family life because it will break their stability. Longer hours of work will lead to a variety of diseases and harms people’s heath. Losing the backbone of the family will lead to a decrease in income and other family members have to spend their time taking care of him. As a result, families will no longer enjoy their free time and become economically unstable. Additionally, longer hours of work are harmful to society because it can cause the stagnation of the economy. The amount of time people can concentrate on work is limited, and taking free time is essential for them to maintain their motivation. Long working hours will decrease individual productivity, which will lead to the lower company’s profitability.

【タイプ3】cause & solution
Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists not local people. What are the reasons of this trend? What can be done to attract more local people to museums and historical places?

地元の人々が博物館や史跡を旅行客よりも訪れない主な理由は、退屈な場所だからです。地元の人にとっては、(地元の)文化や歴史は、学校の社会科見学(遠足)を通じて、すでによく知っているため新鮮さがないです。展示物が変化しないにも関わらず、高い入館料がチャージされることも、別の訪れない原因です。それ故、一度も訪れたことのない観光客と比べて、高い料金を支払ってまで (もう一度) 訪れようとは思いません。
The main reason why local people do not often visit museums and historical sites is that these places are boring. They are already familiar with their culture and history through school excursions, and information they can gain there is not fresh/new. Another reason is that museum and historical sites charge expensive admission fees, even though exhibitions usually do not change. Therefore, local people tend not to pay expensive fees to visit there again, compared with tourists who have not visited these places yet.

In order to improve this situation, museums and historical sites can renew their exhibitions and hold events regularly. Changing displays seasonally and focusing on a specific theme will attract more local people. Additionally, museums and historical sites can provide a discount only for local people. In my town, for instance, a local museum had financial difficulties due to a significant decrease in the number of visitors. They decided to provide a 50% discount coupon to local people, which resulted in an increase in the number of local visitors and then led to attracting others such as their friends and colleagues living in outside of my town.

【タイプ3】cause & solution
Nowadays people waste a lot of food that was bought from shops and restaurants. Why do you think people waste food? What can be done to reduce the amount of food they throw away?

The major reason why people throw away much food is that consumers tend to buy more food than what they need. This happens because they can usually receive discounts from shops, by purchasing large amounts. For example, the supermarket close to my home is selling tomatoes for $1 each, but five can be purchased for $3. Although I often purchase five in order to save money, I always waste a part of it because I cannot finish them all. Another reason is that restaurants serve only large size portions. Because of this, many people cannot eat all the food they ordered and it ends up being thrown away.

In order to solve this problem, the government can educate businesses about the seriousness of food wastes. The government can show sellers the data that approximately a third of products purchased in shops and restaurants are being wasted, which will encourage these companies to stop selling-products in bulk. In addition, teaching the scarcity of food in third world countries to children in schools will discourage them from purchasing unnecessary amounts of food just to save money. In this way, food lost can be minimized by providing an appropriate education to consumers and companies.

【タイプ3】cause & trend
Nowadays, cultures of different countries are becoming more similar than they used to be. What are the reasons? Is it a positive or a negative development?

Cultural differences between different countries are becoming smaller because the opportunities to learn about foreign cultures have been increasing significantly these days. Firstly, the Internet enables people to learn about foreign cultures. For example, they can see Western cultures and their fashion trend on the Internet, and many Asian countries are gradually replacing their own cultures with them. Secondly, airfares are becoming much cheaper than in the past and people can travel abroad more easily. Having cultural experiences abroad makes them more curious about foreign cultures, and some of them are taking them into their own culture when they come back their home countries.

I believe that the trend where cultural differences between nations are becoming smaller is positive because people from different countries can communicate more. When differences in cultures such as food and language become smaller, both countries will try to understand and respect each other. For instance, Japan used to fight against the United States due to their cultural differences. However, they became friends after the World War II because Japanese culture was westernized. As history shows, smaller cultural difference between countries is a positive development.



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